Vocational Case Management
“Returning to work speeds an injured worker’s recovery and reduces the financial impact of a workers’ compensation claim on the worker, the employer and the workers’ compensation system”
Liability Assessments
ACT’s Vocational Experts complete in depth assessments in order to identify an individual potential for employment and estimating lost earning if any. Our experts will also opine on reports completed by other vocational experts
Social Security Disability
ACT’s Vocational Experts have vast experience in testifying on Social Security Disability hearings. Our experts have testified in over 25,000 cases.
Vocational Case Management
Since 1997, Alternative Careers & Transitions, Inc. (ACT) has been providing Vocational Case Management services assisting injured workers return to work as soon as medically possible.
Our Vocational Case Management Services include:
Vocational Evaluations
Vocational Rehabilitation/Case Management Services
Vocational Testing and Counseling
Job Analyses
Job Placement
Transferable Skills Analysis
Job Seeking Skills Training
Funded Employment
Labor Market Survey Reports
Job Coaching
In PA, Case Management for Act 57/Pre-Act 57
Liability Assessments
ACT’s Vocational Experts complete in depth assessments in order to identify an individual potential for employment and estimating lost earning if any. Our experts will also opine on reports completed by other vocational experts, such as:
Earning Power Assessments
Wage Loss Assessment Reports
Second Opinions of Vocational Experts Reports
Some examples referred for these types of cases are:
Work Disability Injury
Automobile Injury
Medical Malpractice
Social Security Disability
ACT’s primary goal for Forensic Vocational Services is to provide unbiased opinion, based upon published standards of practice, comprehensive assessment, data analysis and research, in an organized and concise manner.
ACT’s Vocational Experts have vast experience in testifying on Social Security Disability hearings. Our experts have testified in over 25,000 cases.
SSDI reports
Forensic Testimony
Translation in writing of completed live hearings to the English language
Funded Employment
ACT’s assists individuals with disabilities to obtain work that matches their skills, interests, abilities and physical limitations. ACT case managers work in conjunction with work placement agencies in order to identify potential
jobs. Case managers ensured a smooth transition into the workforce by providing job seeking skills training. The services are individualized to meet the client’s needs, which are essential to their employment success.